International Journal of Pharmaceutical and

Clinical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 1556

p-ISSN 2820-2643

Peer Review Journal

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Manuscript Guidelines (Checklist)

  1. Manuscripts should be under the scope of the Journal.
  2. Manuscripts should be below 25% Plagiarism from Turnitin software (if found >25% the Editor will give you report for reduction of plagiarism).
  3. Article Type- Research/Review/Meta-Analysis/
  4. Long title of article
  5. Short title of the Article
  6. Kindly provide each and every Table & Figure in text citation and in increasing order.
  7. All Tables and Figures in increasing order.
  8. All Figure and Table should be high quality images & Graph should be excel format
  9. Kindly provide proper name and affiliation of the all authors (Name, Desigantion, Department and Institution) and email address of the corresponding authors is mandatory.
  10. After the submission of the manuscript, any modifications in title, author(s) name, and affiliation will be provided with transaction details.
  11. After the submission of the manuscript and acceptance will not be allowed author(s) adding or deletion.
  12. Length of the Manuscript is not more than 10 pages (exceptional may be 15 pages).
  13. Reference should be in Vancouver style (superscript) and in-text citation in increasing order.
  14. Cross-check and verify for accuracy/data/format, correct, and provide all references in consistent Vancouver format (superscript in text).

Impact Factor: 2.923