International Journal of Pharmaceutical and

Clinical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 1556

p-ISSN 2820-2643

Peer Review Journal

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1. In-Vitro Anti-Diabetic Activity of Ficus krishnae Stem Bark Extracts
Amarvani P Kanjikar, Aruna L H, Ramesh L Londonkar
Ficus krishnae (Moraceae) is one of the folklore medically important native plant to India. It has been used extensively by ayurvedic practitioner in India to treat various ailments such as ulcers, vomiting, fever, inflammations, leprosy, syphilis, biliousness, dysentery and inflammation of liver. The present study aims the screening of Ficus krishnae stem bark extracts for in-vitro anti-diabetic study. The in vitro alpha-amylase inhibitory study was performed using different concentration of extract and compared with a standard drug. The results reveal that, there was a dose dependent increase in the percentage inhibitory activity against intestinal enzymes by petroleum ether, chloroform and aqueous extracts. Our findings suggests that the petroleum ether extract and acarbose have an efficient anti-diabetic activity. 

2. Misconceptions Regarding Mental Illness Among General Population
R Nishanthi, Revathi V
Objectives: The objective of the study was to assess the misconceptions regarding mental illness among general population. Methods: Quantitative research approach and Non probability convenient sampling technique was used to select the samples. The tool consisted of 20 structured items. Results: The study results found that most of the family (92%) they don’t have any mentally disabled person in their family and eight percentages of samples had mentally disabled person in their family. It reveals that out of 100 samples, 86 (86%) samples had low level of misconception, 14(14%) samples had medium level of misconception, none of them had high level of misconception and all p-values were not significant. Conclusion: Hence, the investigator concludes that there is no significant association between the demographic variables and the levels of Misconception regarding mental illness.


3. Relationship Between Eating Attitude and Body Mass Index Among Adolescents in Selected College, Kancheepuram District
Hemamalini M, Silambuselvi K, Ramya Rathi Devi M
Objective : The  objective of the present study was to  determine the relationship between Eating attitude and Body Mass Index among Adolescents in selected college. Methodology: Quantitative approach and descriptive  co-relational design was adopted for the present study. The study was conducted in SRM College of Nursing , Kattankulathur. The sample size for the present study was 160 adolescents. Non-probability Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select the samples for the study. The tool used for the data collection  were 5 point rating scale to assess the eating attitude among adolescent girls  and WHO  – BMI scale to assess the  Body Mass  Index.  Results: The present study findings  revealed that most of the adolescents 135(84.4%) reported good eating attitude, none of them reported poor and very poor eating attitude and majority of the adolescents 90(56.3%)  samples were in normal range of BMI . 48(30%) samples were in the category of underweight. 21(13.1% ) samples were in the category overweight and none of them belong to the category of severe and very severe status.  Further the results revealed that there was no significant correlation between eating attitude and Body mass Index. Conclusion: The results reflects that the present adolescents are more conscious about their  health , hence they engage themselves in good eating behavior to maintain their weight  which  promotes their health. This attitude can be motivated by conducting periodic health camps and  healthy Nutrition clinics for the adolescents.


4. An Epidemiological Study on Adverse Drug Reactions in Indian Population: Meta-Analysis
S Sre akshaya Kalyani, P Srihitha
Adverse drug reaction (ADR) has been implicated as a leading cause of considerable morbidity and mortality. The raise of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in present day setting in India is high due to many reasons like polypharmacy, medication errors, medication adherence, lacking in reporting. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and different parameters regarding ADRs in Indian population. We performed a review study of all epidemiological studies quantifying ADRs in Indian setting that were published between 2003 and 2017. Included studies also assessed the number of patients who were hospitalized due to an ADR, studies that assessed the number of patients who developed an ADR during hospitalization. In total, 25 Indian articles were studied and the parameters analysed were prevalence of ADR, causality, severity, age, gender, class of drugs mostly effected. The percentages of ADRs in total were found to be major age groups involved. According to Naranjo’s causality assessment scale 44.93% of patients were found to have possible relation with drug. As per WHO scale the results obtained indicate probable (44.57%) as highest. As per Hartwig and Siegel severity assessment scale most of the reactions were mild (48.85%). According to Schumock and Thornton preventability scale the reactions are not preventable (41.77%). The major class of drugs leading to ADRs were reported as Antibiotics (35.33%).


5. Level of Psychological Problems and Coping Strategies of Elderly Persons Residing in Old Age Homes
R Nishanthi, Ranjani Priya
Ageing refers to a sequence of changes across a life span of an individual. Gerontology is one of the neglected fields in India. Since institutionalization is a growing problem, the elderly facing psychological problems & need to cope with the situation. The present study assessed the relationship between psychological problems and coping strategies of elderly persons residing in old age home. Descriptive research design was adopted. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select the samples. A sample 100 was selected. The Investigator obtained permission from the concerned Authorities of the old age homes. Informed consent was taken from the subjects. The investigator used standardized scale to assess the psychological problems and the coping strategies of elderly persons. The data were analyzed by the means of descriptive and inferential statistics. The study results for the psychological problems of elderly persons reveals that majority 60% of them were had moderate level of psychological problems and 43% of the elderly persons were had at fair level of coping strategies. The present study concluded that there was negative correlation found between Psychological problems and Coping strategies. It means if their coping increases psychological problems decreases.


Impact Factor: 2.923