International Journal of Pharmaceutical and

Clinical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 1556

p-ISSN 2820-2643

Peer Review Journal

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1. Isolation and Screening of Actinomycetess from Different River Sediments
Sahil Abbas, Girendra Gautam, Pawan Kumar Gautam
The research are going to design and production of a number of drugs. There is an increase or discovery of different diseases which causing great harm to society.  The past researches indicated that huge number of antibiotics were produced by Gram +ve ike bacteria known as Actinomycetes. So we can say that among all microbes more  than 50% of the known antimicrobial compounds were  produced by Actinomycetes only. These are  a specific type of class  of prokaryotes forming thread like structure at some stage of their growth, so refereed as filamentous prokaryotes. This class or group  is a actively produce of different types of enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, growth promoter and antibiotics etc. In modern era a number of  microbes is getting or developing resistance against different  infectious microorganisms (e.g., species of Staphylococcus, Mycobacterium, and Streptococcus) to existing compounds. In our study screening of Actinomycetes was performed by using different river sediments. Soil samples was collected from river Godaveri and Krishna and   stored in the U.V. and alcohol sterilized Poly bags. Soil samples was serially diluted upto 10-6 and 1 ml from each dilution was plated on different isolation media like starch Casein agar , Albumin media and YMA media, consisting of antifungal agent  Nystatin 50 µg/ ml, by pour plate technique. The plates were incubated at different temperature ranges 18 0C to 28 0C upto 7-14 days. There were  3  actinomycetes were  isolated and these  were  streak on solidified Bennet agar media at straight line and plates  were kept for incubation in incubator at 370C for nearly about 3 days. Identification of actinomycetes was performed using Gram’s staining.

2. Antimicrobial Efficacy of Traditional Medicinal Plant Extracts Against the Antibiotic Resistant Isolates from Drinking Water Sources
Jadhav AV, Agnihori SN, Sawant H, Bansode S, Bankar A, Panicker S G
Water is the second most essential factor for different life forms after oxygen. Most of the people obtain their drinking water from surface and underground sources. However both surface and ground water source could be contaminated by biological and chemical pollutants. In the rural area, majority of people directly use natural water sources like river water, bore well, lake water etc. for drinking purpose. In the present study, 12 different drinking water samples were collected from different villages of Pune, Maharashtra, India. The samples were analyzed bacteriologically and physico-chemically. The MPN positive samples were analyzed for antibiotic resistance by polydisc method. 27 bacterial isolates were reported to be resistant to antibiotic Imipenem (10mcg). Antimicrobial activity of Tulsi and Neem leaf extracts showed a great potential against these antibiotic resistant isolates. Thus, from the obtained results, it can be concluded that these plants can be used as natural therapeutic agents that may serve as lead for the development of new pharmaceuticals addressing the major therapeutic needs.

Impact Factor: 2.923