International Journal of Pharmaceutical and

Clinical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 1556

p-ISSN 2820-2643

Peer Review Journal

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1. Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module on Knowledge Regarding Cord Blood Banking Among Staff Nurses at Selected Hospital, Villupuram District
Indumathi, G Inigo Sherlin joy, S Innisaya
Introduction: Cord blood refers to the blood that remains in the placenta and umbilical cord after child birth. The child is physically and emotionally bond to mother from the period of conception. The umbilical cord acts as a bridge between the mother and fetus. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of Self- Instructional Module on knowledge regarding cord blood banking among staff nurses. Material and Methods: Quantitative research approach and Pre-Experimental One group Pre-test and Post-test research design was adopted for this study. 30 staff nurses were selected by using Non-probability convenient sampling at Government Villupuram Medical College and Hospital in Mundiyampakkam. The data was collected by using demographic tools and structured knowledge questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The result of this study revealed that, In pre-test 22 (73.3%) nurses had inadequate knowledge 6 (20%) nurses had moderate knowledge and 2 (6.6%) nurses had adequate knowledge. In post test, all the staff nurses (i.e) 30 staff nurses had adequate knowledge regarding cord blood banking. The calculated “t” value 17.45 is greater than the tabulated “t” value 4.35 at 5% level of significance. So the Self-Instructional Module regarding cord blood banking is very effective. There was a significant association between the Pre-test levels of knowledge with their selected demographic variables such as marital status. Conclusion: Nurses can be the primary source of information and cord blood collection, at every stage of delivery process. So it is necessary to improve their knowledge regarding cord blood banking through an educational approach. Cord blood banking is once in the life time opportunity to save the baby’s cord blood stem cells because Child’s cord blood is a potential lifeline for the future of the child.

2. The Rapid Alternative Methods for Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Measurement

Kunchit Kongros, Orathai Tangvarasittichai, Surapon Tangvarasittichai
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) measurement is the most widely used in laboratory test to assess an inflammation. We try to introduce our two rapid alternative methods for ESR measurement. Four hundred forty nine blood samples were performed the ESR measurements by using Westergren, Wintrobe with centrifugation (Win-C) and capillary tube (Cap-C) with centrifugation methods. Win-C and Cap-C methods were significantly correlated with Westergren method by using Spearman rank correlation. Both Win-C and Cap-C methods were demonstrated the good % of sensitivity, % of specificity, % of positive predictive value, % of negative predictive value and cut-off point by using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves analysis. Both methods demonstrated acceptable agreement with the conventional ESR measurements and appear to be a faster, easier and safety.

3. A Study to Extrapolate the Lived in Experience of Parents of Children with Chronic Illness in SRM General Hospital, Kattankulathur
Pranu Dahal, K Geetha, A Judie
A study to extrapolate the lived in experience of parents of children with chronic illness was conducted to explore the lived in experience of parents of children with chronic illness in hospital and to extrapolate the various dimensions of parents of children with chronic illness.Research design was qualitative in nature,and the research approach adopted was phenomenological approach.The tool used for data collection had 2 parts, part A Demographic variables and Part B Interview schedule with open ended question.The main study was conducted in S.R.M General Hospital and Research Centre, Kattankulathur on 10 samples who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Under the dimension of physical well being,majority of the parents had sleep pattern disturbance, irregular dietary intake and altered health maintenance.Under the psychological dimension majority of parents fear about child’s future and expressed anxiety regarding pain underwent by child.Under the behavioral dimension,the data reported that most of parents gets angry either at work place or home,and irritable. Under the spiritual dimension all the parents have faith in god,and conduct prayer. Under the social dimension most of parents have good and normal social relationship, recieves emotional support from the relatives.Regarding economical dimension majority of parents had financial difficulties and of them are selling valuables for the treatment.Under dimension of health service, most of the parents are satisfied with the hospital service.Nursing professionals are the first line response to parents.This study allowed the participants to express their feelings and problems.At the end of the study investigator motivated participants to go for periodic counselling.

Impact Factor: 2.923