International Journal of Pharmaceutical and

Clinical Research

e-ISSN: 0975 1556

p-ISSN 2820-2643

Peer Review Journal

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1. Retrospective Drug Utilization Evaluation Among Patients of Respiratory Disorders
Shalini Rawat, Yogesh Joshi
Respiratory disorder is a pathological condition affecting the organs and tissues of respiratory tract. The study was retrospectively carried out among patients of respiratory disorders in a tertiary care hospital of Dehradun to evaluate drug utilization pattern. A total of 143 patients were included in the study reflecting 54.55% males and 45.45% females. Majority of respiratory disorders belongs to the age group of 65-75 years (29.37%) while age group ≤25 years contributed minimum (4.20%). Study showed that respiratory disorders were higher among unemployed as well as uneducated peoples contributing 33.56%. Social habits reflected that 34.26% patients were smoker, 32.86% patients were oral tobacco users and 13.95% patients were alcoholic. A sum of 1230 drugs was prescribed among all patients under study and average number of drugs per patients was found to be 8.6 that reflect the concept of polypharmacy. Most commonly prescribed drugs were antibiotics (28.53%) followed by decongestants (0.48%) as least prescribed drug category. Among all drugs prescribed, 63.82% was prescribed as monotherapy and remaining 36.18% was prescribed as combination therapy. Due to high value of average number of drugs per patient, problem of concern was polypharmacy which requires the control through rational prescribing practices. The drugs prescribed were mostly recommended and also confirm to the rational prescribing practices in the respiratory disorder treatment.



Impact Factor: 2.923